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Our Mission

To help New Zealanders to successfully transition through the financial stages in their lifetime and beyond.


The team at Taimana Wealth believe in:

  • Doing the right thing, which is often more important than doing things right.

  • Putting ourselves in your shoes with the aim of understanding what matters most to you.

  • Transparency in business and not afraid to share our experiences, both bad and good.

  • Lifelong learners, every day being a school day, and continuously striving to use the best research for robust solutions in assisting you to achieve your objectives.

  • Asking questions to understand your views on life and money before creating a plan.

  • Building relationships to discover the deeper thoughts and beliefs impacting financial decisions that are usually revealed in a trusted relationship.

  • Constant improvement and an unwavering desire to do the best for you.

  • High standards in both our own business and personal lives.

  • Controlling what we can and being honest about probable outcomes, so that you have realistic expectations about your wealth.

  • Disciplined approach to navigating changing markets and providing you with a clear idea of the challenges and choices that will lead to a more enjoyable and promising future.
